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  • #16
    (sev7en @ May 09 2008,00:50) May i suggest Bom from former TripleX, i think you´ll find her in HiBoss, Pattaya nowadays. She´s a sweetheart.
    And an excellent golfer also .

    Has been seen late at night in Soi 6 striking farangs with clubs and yellin .... fore !!!!!!!

    She could be your bird(ie)

    Free your mind and your ass will follow .


    • #17
      You have had some good suggestions and a few jokes as well!

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      • #18
        Thanks everyone - some good laughs - yeah i know the gol thing seems a bit odd - just thought it would be a nice relaxed way to spend a day - maybe hang around the pool afterwards e.t.c. - do they mind staying out of central a bit also - how about doing LB and GG at the samt time 1st up - good idea or bad ?


        • #19
          i don't think a few lb's would mind, but like at home, i'm not so sure aout the gg's.
          i love t-girls


          • #20
            PJNZ - let me know when you think you will be over in BKK as my trip is elastic at the moment and I could be there any time. Would be happy to have a beer with you and perhaps 'assist' where possible - and I can hit the odd booming drive if you need a playing partner (sadly I am not a ladyboy...)


            • #21
              (pjnz @ May 09 2008,17:04) do they mind staying out of central a bit also - how about doing LB and GG at the samt time 1st up - good idea or bad ?
              Whether they mind or not usually depends on how much money you will be paying them.

              Many sleep at 7am, wake up at 3pm. You might want to check their sleep schedule first.

              Don't commit to more than a day at a time.

              Physical action between a LB and GG will be very rare, but you can ask around.

