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  • Leo

    Hi all,

    I need your guys help in this.

    About two weeks ago I was in the Guess bar and spotted a very nice girl named Leo.

    I was very very drunk and decided to BF her and have some fun together with another guy who also took someone.

    Problem is that I do not remember who she is and how she looks.

    She sends me many SMS that she want to see me but I have no idea how she looks.

    Went to Guess last week but I really had no idea who to look for.

    So if anybody can post a picture of her it will be very much apreciated, sorry for my spelling as I am not native English speaker.

    Kind regards,

    Only dead fish go with the flow.

  • #2
    Why not SMS her back and meet her at the club..?
    So many Ladyboys so little time..


    • #3
      Problem is that I do not remember who she is and how she looks...
      She sounds fantastic!


      • #4
        I have no idea who Leo is but maybe its the girl Roadrunner asked me about last night as she wai'd and greeted me by name as she walked in. I had no idea who she was either. Sorry but old age must be catching up on me, but I seem to have serious trouble keeping up with who they all are these days, unless I have known them for at least 4 months.



        • #5
          69, I did sms her back but once in Guess bar so many different girls approached me that maybe she thinks I am just there to try as many girls as possible and just accepted.

          She most likely is a bit new as her English is poor.

          When she calls me to say hello and I start asking questions like what did you do today the phone is handed to one of her friends that speak better English.

          So embarrasing when a girl approach you and you do not remember her while they remember you.

          To give you an example of the good memory of the girls.
          About 2 years ago I was walking along Suk Nana and stumbled upon KoKo, whe had fun all nite and she told me about Guess club.

          So I went there and met this gorgeous girl looking like Beyonce at that time.

          Nice curves, great ass and funny.

          We talked for about 5 minutes and I then went home alone.

          She gave me her Tel number and just a month ago I send her an SMS asking where the new Guess bar was.

          Replied she had a day off and wanted to sleep.

          Discovered this forum and finally found out where the new Guess bar is.

          Next day I went to Guess bar and this girl come to me saying I send her an SMS last nite.

          I really did not recognise her, (she changed hair style) but she recognised me.

          I am just thinking, Leo is a new girl watching me as I enter the Guess bar, talking with many of the girls.

          She might think I am a regular (which I am not) and just playing around.

          So please any of you visiting Guess please make a picture of Leo so I know who to look for.

          Yes I know it sound silly but just want to be able to say hello to the right person.

          Thanks all!

          Only dead fish go with the flow.


          • #6
            Why don't you ask someone while you're in the bar?

            You might ask Jay or you might ask Gong or a girl who you do recognize...
            "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


            • #7
              or a girl who you do recognize...


              • #8
                The girls I said hello to at Guess bar: Vivian, Ploy, Poy and Joy, my goodness the last three all rhyme.

                To give you an idea how new I am to the Guess bar and the girls there.

                I was talking with Ploy, thinking she was Vivian, ha ha ha!

                Then Vivian joined the conversation and I suddenly realised the mix up.

                Anyway Ploy was funny as hell as she pulled out all kind of make up stuff from inside her high boots, hilarious really.

                She did not seem to understand why I found that so funny.

                Anyway the search for Leo continues as I am back in Thailand now and have a small gift for her from Indo.

                Just send her an SMS so we will see what happens and I might be able to take a snap so we all know who is the mistery girl Leo.

                More news as it breaks!

                Only dead fish go with the flow.


                • #9
                  ask Gong, he seems to be the only one who can keep them straight
                  I can't, Mardhi can't, and often Jay can't !!!
                  "Snick, You Sperm Too Much" - Anon


                  • #10
                    This is probably way off base  , but someone needs to ask , it wasnt Liou from Obsessions was it ?

                    She features in this thread


                    • #11
                      I met Obs Liou in Guess one night.   But it can't be Liou, can it mm, cos her english is good?

                      But it's a good reason for TTChang to go scouting tonight


                      • #12
                        It's easy to tell which Liou is which...

                        Describe how she dances in ten words or less...


                        • #13
                          Here's a novel idea...

                          Why don't you try telling her the truth? Some folks actually do that sometimes you know...

                          I guarantee she won't care that you don't remember her...

                          Well, I guarantee that she won't care if there is the hope that she will make some baht...
                          "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


                          • #14
                            (kahuna @ May 03 2008,12:02) Here's a novel idea...

                            Why don't you try telling her the truth? Some folks actually do that sometimes you know...
                            This is the strangest suggestion I have ever heard.

                            Seriously, if you are set on doing this is a stealth way, just SMS or call her sometime when Guess is not open (mid-afternoon or after-hours), and ask her to come to your hotel. When she shows up, you will know it is her.

                            Guess Bar closed tonight because of elections?


                            • #15
                              Hi all, asked about Leo in Guess bar and nobody know her.

                              Went to Cascades and a girl came to me claiming she was Leo.

                              Dialed the number but her phone did not show my number.

                              OK, still searching for the girl.

                              Only dead fish go with the flow.

