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hatyai trip

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  • hatyai trip

    Hi Jackc & Khunchilli,

    Iam going to Hatyai this month,May and would like to meet up with Bee( the girl in your avatar) and the girl with sunglass with background of a golf bad. I lost Bee contact and I was told she is in Spore now.

    Anyway of forwarding their mobile number to me at +6012 - 636 6989 or to meetup in KL.


  • #2
    2BEE, I am adding a photo so others may be able to help out. Unfortunately jackc lost his mobile that had Bee's contact number as he mentioned in his trip report. He has offered a reward to anyone who can supply her contact details, but alas, no one has been able to help out.

    She is indeed a very lovely lady!

    This is Bee.

    This is Aeh

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    • #3
      Hi Rxpharm,

      Thanks so much for the help.

      Yes, I was with Bee quite a number of times and you are right! She is so passable , loving and passionate.

      Iwill look out for her while I am in Hatyai in 2 weeks time.

      About Aeh,where is she working?? I was toldshe is a showgirl, any way of having her contact?? Is she as good as Bee?

      Any recommendation in Hatyai?

      Two years ago ,Idid call one in Hatyai( sorry ,i forgot her name),She used to stand at the corner of Mac Donald and she dont go to any hotel but to her own apartment.
      After action while I shower, she took half of my cash from my wallet and after much talk she finally give back.

      Anyway, be careful while showering.

      Hope to have both the girls contact soon, Bee & Aeh.

