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HELP! LB in New Zealand?

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  • HELP! LB in New Zealand?

    I'm on a couple week holiday in New Zealand, in Auckland at the moment. Anyone know where to find some LB fun in NZ? Bars, clubs, brothels, streets, etc. I'd prefer non-working girls, but pay-4-play is ok too.


  • #2


    • #3
      Auckland is the home of a lot of Pacific Islander Transexuals. Look in the personals in the local paper and you will find plenty.
      Good luck


      • #4
        In the Auckland region, buy a copy of the weekly newspaper called "Truth" available at all Dairies & bookshops. Areas to look at "K" Rd [Karagahape Rd] and Fort St (two seperate areas. In Wellington region buy the daily newspaper called "The Dominion". Vivian St is a busy street for working girls.
        Take you "street smarts" with you.
        Many advertisements in them both for working girls of all persuasions. Many TS are Pacific Islanders, and are often large in all respects.


        • #5
          (Torurot @ Apr. 25 2008,19:32) In the Auckland region, buy a copy of the weekly newspaper called "Truth" available at all Dairies & bookshops.  Areas to look at "K" Rd [Karagahape Rd] and Fort St (two seperate areas.  In Wellington region buy the daily newspaper called "The Dominion".  Vivian St is a busy street for working girls.
          Take you "street smarts" with you.
          Many advertisements in them both for working girls of all persuasions. Many TS are Pacific Islanders, and are often large in all respects.
          Would u be talking big money 4 short time with these ts in New Zealand?I would think alot more cheap then europe.I also here prostitution is legal in Aukland or all New Zealand is this true?Just curious gona be going there soon myself 4 work reasons.


          • #6
            Yep, prostitution is legal here in NZ and it may cost you $100 to $150 for an hour. Auckland and Christchurch has a few Asian transsexuals which you can arrange a meeting by calling using the number provided in the local papers (Personal Column).

            Generally Wellington has no Asian transsexuals advertised but now and again 1 might arrive in town for a week or so. In fact a Brazilian transsexual was advertising only a week ago in the Dominion Post and I should of given it go, but I did not and i am kicking myself.

            In general would not touch anything in NZ as Polynesian ts are not for me and once you have been with a ladyboy or two noting else compares. Save money for next tour of LOS I say...


            • #7
              Thanx 4 the info Oldbluenose.


              • #8
                You could also try setting a profile on the occasional asian lb is available there some working girls there but most just want to play for free
                lets see you in the chatroom


                • #9
                  You have to get a weekly newspaper called The Truth, in the back are loads of adverts, including usually about 5-10 Asian transexuals.

                  I had one in November last year, across the road from Mt Eden stadium who was Thai, more of a femboy in her 20's but she had a stunning body, very pretty and quite well-endowed.


                  • #10
                    Well I've changed my mind. Auckland has to be one of the worst places on earth for ladyboys, there is just absolutely nothing young at all. Most lie terribly about their age, they are all 40+, or are just ugly men in drag. There doesn't even appear to be any young pacific islander/maori/white t-girls anywhere either.

                    Can anyone help, I'm desparate!!!


                    • #11
                      Didn't you take the number of the Thai one you went with previously?


                      • #12
                        There is only 1 solution to your problem, book yourself a ticket to LOS as soon as possible!

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