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Nanci or Nancy (ex King Castle 3)

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  • Nanci or Nancy (ex King Castle 3)

    Hello Gentlemen!

    I went into Kings Castle 3 the other night and tried to see Nanci or Nancy, but had no luck. One ladyboy told me, that she has stopped working there, already a long time ago.
    So I was wondering if anyone here would be so kind and could send me her contact information, phone number would be best, if you only have her email address, that would be good as well.
    Please send me a pm, or post it here.
    Thank you very much for any help!
    Cheers Mcqueen
    Attached Files

  • #2
    o.k. and here is one with black hair...
    Attached Files


    • #3
      She was there about 10 days ago. Shes blonde now.
      Try this, not sure if it works tho: 08 71441093
      "I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"

      Jaidee 2009

      The other white meat


      • #4
        Hello seven!
        Thank your very much for your help!
        She was there only ten days ago? I was there last Saturday and that LB told me, that she stopped working there already a long time ago. Probably that LB just told me pure nonsense. I will go back some time soon and look for her again and thanks for the info about the current hair colour, that should make it a lot easier to spot her!
        I have just tried the number, but it was switched off, only some call back service answered, so I will try again tomorrow, hopefully it's the right one.
        Once again, thank you!
        If anyone else has some other info, please let me know, cheers!


        • #5
          No problems, mcqueen. I have been wanting to meet her for years and was pleasently surprised to see her there. She´s rather skinny these days, but really goodlooking. More exact, it was march 12th, i saw her.

          I´ve been asking other lb´s many times in different bars, about other lb´s, and i´ve learned that you can´t trust any answer you get.
          Good luck!.
          "I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"

          Jaidee 2009

          The other white meat


          • #6
            Nancy is back at KC3.
            I meet her at April 15. and she is wonderfull... yammy yammy, little bit skinny yes, but it was a great moment with her. she is sweet like honey with a beautyfull smile....



            • #7
     » The TRIP REPORTS Forum » Bangkok Dec 2006 and Jan 2007
              Post Number: 56   Posted on: Jan. 16 2007

              The evening of the 8th involved................................. I slipped into KC3........................I pushed the gaggle of LB's away, sat on a bar-stool, and beckoned two tall blondes from the stage, one of whom I was certain that I had seen in A-TS one frozen night recently whilst on the internet in Alaska.

              The noise made conversation difficult, but somehow I established that they were both still fully equipped, that they would perform together, that I could not bar-fine them that night, but I was interested in both of them the following afternoon. I asked if they knew Liza. They nodded, so I gave them Liza's phone number and told them to call her to check me out, that I would turn up, that I was good for the money, and that I wasn't a serial killer (I don't think that last point bothers anyone, as that is the risk they take every night).

              I met the two girls, Nanci & Tina, the next day at Starbucks.
              I had been talking to Tina in KC3 whom I thought was the girl I had seen in A-TS. It turned out that apart from saying "Yes", "I love you", and a couple of sexual terms, Tina could not speak a word of English.
              Furthermore, Nanci explained it was her who had appeared in the AT-S December 2006 Videos and Photo-shoot, because Tina wasn't blonde when they were shot.
              At that point, I did not need an explanation; I had worked it out myself.
              We walked to the Guest House whilst I learned this from Nanci, who spoke passable English.
              It turned out they were (so they said) sisters, and when I asked if they performed together they thought I meant that I wanted to f**k Tina whilst Nanci f**ked me. (Foiled, yet again).
              Nanci said she was 23 (I suspect that she was older) and Tina 21. Nanci works in Singapore on 15 day bursts every six weeks or so. I was quite interested in the number of LB sisters €“ here's Nanci & Tina, there's Jay and Jane, etc.

              Up the elevator and into the Guest House, more hilarity from the two Harridan Housekeepers. I ask for extra towels, one of the harridans brings extra towels, Thai condoms, a bottle of water and some aspirins. I give her back the condoms and the aspirins and get a toothless grin in return.

              Tina goes for a shower and I start undressing Nanci, then I go for a shower, and get on the bed with Tina, and Nanci gets up and goes for a shower. When Nanci returns I pull her to the bed and try to kiss her and she says the equivalent of "No way after what you have been doing with my sister".
              Nanci, wrapped in her towel, goes and puts a chair in front of the TV and turns it on quite loud. Over the next half hour or so I occasionally glance up, and see that Nanci is intent on staring at the TV. Tina & I reach a conclusion and we both go and shower.
              I come out and Nanci is on the bed. She says something sharply to Tina who goes and sits on the chair, changes the TV programme, and spends the next hour watching TV.

              I had the best time of the whole trip with Nanci. It amused me because in the A-TS video series from December 2006 she showed no enthusiasm, only (to my eyes), a cross between disgust, boredom and discomfort. In reality Nanci was a very skilled and experienced partner, with the hardest, hard-on I have ever felt €“ it reminded me of how my powers had waned since my twenties. I asked her how often she tops, and she said too often, as she prefers to be topped. This time I had no problems filling her preference.

              I had a wonderful time and the expressions on her face were totally different to the facial expressions in the AT-S Videos.

              After we had cleaned up, Tina came and sat on the bed and the two girls smoked whilst we chatted (Nanci interpreting). Tina could not wait to have the final cut €“ why? €“ Because she wanted to be a girl and move to a town where no one knew her and get married.

              Nanci said she liked her cock and did not want to lose it, but felt she could never love because too many Thai boys had broken her heart.
              The email address that I have for Nanci is:

              The phone number I have is: 0860 306 584 (but that could well be out-of-date)
              Attached Files


              • #8
                Nanci from KC3
                Attached Files


                • #9
                  Dang is often in Singapore - hence she is rarely in KC3 these days. She invariably dyes her hair (back to black) so she has less problems with Singapore immigration.



                  • #10
                    Thank you mardhi,
                    but not exactly the most current information. Yes, she is back at KC3, but can more or less come and leave as she likes. Therefore she doesn't get a salary there.
                    Her hair is currently brownish, with some parts slightly highlighted.
                    The phone number that the game 925 posted above is correct.


                    • #11
                      From the stage at KC 3 earlier this evening, I heard a loud scream of my name €“ and a girl jumps off the stage and comes over to me. "Hello (name) €“ remember me?"

                      "Yes Nanci", I replied, "I thought you had left KC3 to work in Singapore and your sister Tina had operation and no longer works".

                      "No Tina here, I get her. We both work Orchard Towers, Singapore two weeks, here one month, Singapore one month, here two weeks. Tina no have operation until we rich enough to go away from business, then she cannot make pussy. Can make pussy when we finished working and are rich".

                      Nanci goes and gets Tina.

                      Tina comes over and stands next to Nanci.

                      The Translator said to me, "How long you know sisters?"

                      "Nanci replied for me."We know him from KC3 in January 2007, but he not bar fine us because he with women shopping for handbags, He take my phone number. We see him at Sukhumvit Soi 1 in short-time room above bar complex. After we fish we go down to have drink at Guess Bar and ladyboy staff eating and share food with us."

                      Absolutely 100% correct; exactly as I remember it €“ the photos are dated 9th January 2007.

                      It is truly amazing how retentive these girls' memories are.

                      Photo: Nanci & Tina 0051 hours on Thursday 3rd June
                      Attached Files


                      • #12
                        ... Photo Shooting July, 3. 2009.... at 00.51
                        with a Casio EX-S600...

                        Nanci Mobile:+66 860306584

