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Mon (Aug03)

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  • Mon (Aug03)

    About to make an eagerly awaited return to LOS & while i dont normally make any plans prior to a visit as they always turn to shit after a few   & you see what is on offer almost everywhere you turn i would quite like to locate(what i think) the very beautiful Mon(Aug03) so just wondered if any of the more seasoned travellers/visitors amongst you can help(ie have you met her, had her or know her whereabouts.) Have seen her on another site recently(sorry)calling herself Fred but no sign of her on ATS sinceAug03  Phone No would be great but general sitings also helpful(as i love a good treasure hunt) Your Hopefully.

  • #2
    First I congratulate you on your good taste

    Second, take in consideration my information is about eight months old.

    Good News/Bad News

    Saw the lovely, unbelievably cute and passable Mon in Kings Castle III Patpong, scampering amongst her considerably bigger, meatier and less attractive peers. I've seen her there couple of times.

    Bad: Was told she is now post-op.

    Hope this helps


    • #3
      Yes Mon is still of the K3 old crowd and must be over 25 now. She still does K3 but not in every night as i think she does Singapore as well. Just ask the mamasan in K3. There is a possibility that she is working King Korner as i notice some Posties have migrated there( Ant)


      • #4
        Thanks 4ur posts imachong & Tomcat appreciate that, dont think i will be making any special searches now as the post op bit has made me deeply sad  (what a waste of a great cock) not saying that if our paths cross that i wouldn't indulge myself but there is so much uncut talent to be sampled( am i  )?


        • #5
          I used to see Mon in KC3 about three or four years ago. She was one of the few reasons I bothered with that place.

          First rate girl. I commend your good taste.


          • #6
            yes, one of the better-looking and most passable girls EVER on the ATS website

            saw her at Songkran 2 or 3 years ago..... she looked awesome even wet and out of character

            remembered me, stuck her tongue out and basically dissed me

            gotta love a girl like that!!
            Guilt is Gods way of telling you you're having too much fun.
            -Dennis Miller

