Was feeling quite sore after a week of hard work so decided to go for a massage and walked into a joint that had a male masseur there. As it is hard to get good massage I thought this guy might be the go, strong hands etc. Was a buffed up Thai gym bunny, very macho for a Thai guy and did a fantastic massage. Well when I was on my back he went down on me and licked my nipples, as to be expected the schlong stood to attention. All the time I am thinking hey Ladyboys are really genetic males so whats the difference. as he slid down on my penis is sphincters were like steel clamps. I may recommend ladyboys do weight lifting from now on.
The aftermath of the event was horrible, I do not like having sex with men. Sounds funny I know, if he had have been a femboy or ladyboy, I would have been enjoying. I just had to distance myself from the proceedings and just closed my eyes.
Never again, it may have even put me off ladyboys
Just an observation there. But if any one ever tells me ladyboys are just men in dresses I will strongly disagree. Wouldn't have a bar of men in bed or anyway
The aftermath of the event was horrible, I do not like having sex with men. Sounds funny I know, if he had have been a femboy or ladyboy, I would have been enjoying. I just had to distance myself from the proceedings and just closed my eyes.
Never again, it may have even put me off ladyboys

Just an observation there. But if any one ever tells me ladyboys are just men in dresses I will strongly disagree. Wouldn't have a bar of men in bed or anyway
