ever heard how ladyboys went through for choosing such decision on transformations and wanting to be girl.......and the first one who will notice ever since we are a child is our family before anyone else in the this world.....some of the families are willing to accept such things open-hand while girls have really had the hard time convincing thier families of being what they are.......
as we know it since the father is the head of the family the wall and pillars of our homes while the mother is the light of the family
as we know it our dads decision is based on thier expereince....on reputation that they can get.....and its also how secured and protected we are.....while our moms based it on thier instinc and emotion.......
its always on been in every ladyboys life the mom always the first one to accept thier son now as thier daughter or being a lady in the future
while some moms are just getting along with what thier husband wants for thier children
ive heard so many ladyboys like me who have expereince not accepted by our family cause of a strict dad we had and imagine what he had to go throught just to convince them that they could never change us and this is who we are we....we wanted to be a girl.. we wanted to be a woman....we feel that our dad dont love us...we feel that our family disgraced us.......is it connected to why me and some of my ladyboys who had this case on thier family......why we love to date guys who are 10 years older that us guys who are like late 30's and above.....we choose to be in a relationship or getting married and love by guys who are in thier 40's and above, instead of young guys......of course we had sex and dated some guys who are the same age as us or closer, younger...but as ive notice me and some of my friends prefer to be with older guys....guys who are 10 years older...is it because we seek some fatherly figure....i know what my answer is but as for some ladyboys......are they seeking fatherly figure.....are they getting what thier looking for daddy's love from thier old boyfriends......
of course lets set aside for the money reason and golddiggin issue from here and settle for the emtional side of a ladyboys prefer dating or having relationship with older guys
as for you guys
i know most of you are old and already have family.....or have a children....as a ladyboy lover....would you ever accept your son wanted to become one of them wanted to be your daughter
as you see your son playing barbie as a child and set aside the toyguns and toy cars......
as a teenager you would hear them talking to his girl friends and say hey i lost my virginity with the cute guy in the quarterback.....
as time goes by he learns how to wear make-up...dressing up as a girls....wanted to be a woman starting to take hormones.....looking at those beyonce knowles in MTV and wanted to be her
as your micheal turns into michelle...as john turns into jhanna...as patrick turns into patricia
can you handle such situation for your kid if they turn out that way?
as we know it since the father is the head of the family the wall and pillars of our homes while the mother is the light of the family
as we know it our dads decision is based on thier expereince....on reputation that they can get.....and its also how secured and protected we are.....while our moms based it on thier instinc and emotion.......
its always on been in every ladyboys life the mom always the first one to accept thier son now as thier daughter or being a lady in the future
while some moms are just getting along with what thier husband wants for thier children
ive heard so many ladyboys like me who have expereince not accepted by our family cause of a strict dad we had and imagine what he had to go throught just to convince them that they could never change us and this is who we are we....we wanted to be a girl.. we wanted to be a woman....we feel that our dad dont love us...we feel that our family disgraced us.......is it connected to why me and some of my ladyboys who had this case on thier family......why we love to date guys who are 10 years older that us guys who are like late 30's and above.....we choose to be in a relationship or getting married and love by guys who are in thier 40's and above, instead of young guys......of course we had sex and dated some guys who are the same age as us or closer, younger...but as ive notice me and some of my friends prefer to be with older guys....guys who are 10 years older...is it because we seek some fatherly figure....i know what my answer is but as for some ladyboys......are they seeking fatherly figure.....are they getting what thier looking for daddy's love from thier old boyfriends......
of course lets set aside for the money reason and golddiggin issue from here and settle for the emtional side of a ladyboys prefer dating or having relationship with older guys
as for you guys
i know most of you are old and already have family.....or have a children....as a ladyboy lover....would you ever accept your son wanted to become one of them wanted to be your daughter
as you see your son playing barbie as a child and set aside the toyguns and toy cars......
as a teenager you would hear them talking to his girl friends and say hey i lost my virginity with the cute guy in the quarterback.....
as time goes by he learns how to wear make-up...dressing up as a girls....wanted to be a woman starting to take hormones.....looking at those beyonce knowles in MTV and wanted to be her
as your micheal turns into michelle...as john turns into jhanna...as patrick turns into patricia
can you handle such situation for your kid if they turn out that way?
