Firstly €“ I'm NOT a writer. I don't pretend to be and I won't accept criticism (good or bad) of this story. The tenses are mixed and the grammar isn't perfect. The idea is not all that original and the premise is from something I read a long time ago. But I have changed it to better represent my own experiences of the ladyboys and ladyboy lovers I have met over the last few years. I wrote it for members of the forum as a bit of light hearted entertainment.
She's not like the rest...
Part ONE
Sherman was on his way back to Bangkok now. The supposedly 'VIP luxury coach' trundled along the expressway taking him back to his loved one. He had a big cheesy grin on his face. His life was pretty much perfect now and every now and then he'd laugh out loud attracting the attention of a few Thai passengers who shifted in their seats disapprovingly, but this went unnoticed by Sherman.
Sherman was just under six feet and kind of thin, although he preferred the word 'slim.' His hair was a kind of unkempt rusty red and it didn't look too bad in Scotland where he'd spent a largely unfulfilling 40 odd years. Not that he was complaining, mind. His life hadn't been a disaster. But that was then and this was now. This time he was in love with a fantastic 'girl' who he had promised to come back and see just as soon as he had put paid to all those touristy things that he had promised to himself that he would do. And now he was on the way back to his girl. He'd promised he'd be back and Sherman was, if nothing else, a man of his word.
As the aging blue and white coach steamed it's way towards Thailand's capital city, the wiry Scotsman re-adjusted his long legs in an effort to wake them up a bit and kick start their circulation. These damn vehicles weren't built for people of his size. Come to think of it, comfort must have been the very last thing that the designers thought of when they assembled this pile of junk! But hey... none of that! Now he had no reason to complain, because if this heap of metal bits and pieces stayed functional just long enough to get him to the bus station at Ekkamai then he'd just as soon be standing on his head to get there!
Once again he was smiling. This time at the life he had left behind. The coldness, the grayness, the awful soul-melting routine of it all. And at the time it hadn't seemed so bad. Everyone else was doing it so it must have been normal to wake up at the crack of dawn and fight through the icy winds to the open air bus stop to travel half an hour to a job that he hated. And then when it was dark and the whole day had passed him by, have to fight his way home again. I mean, no-one liked their jobs, right? So THAT was normal. And it was always damn cold in Inverness, so that was normal, too. And traveling to work by bus was normal, because the Stagecoach Western was pretty packed every day! He couldn't really afford a car. He could barely come up with the rent!
But that was then and this was now!
Part TWO
Sherman had met Apple on the internet. They had swapped their stories and spare time on their Yahoo chat programs. Her classified personal on a gay site had hit him hard. She had seemed so lonely...
"Ladyboy in Bangkok. New to city. Seek a friend talking to. 21 and pretty lady wait for you. Sad to be alone."
Yes it WAS sad to be alone. He had known all about that. So that's how it started. He had emailed her and she had replied. That was unusual in itself! He hadn't expected her to actually reply to his letter of introduction. But she had. She had even sent some photos. He sent a picture of himself. Not a nude one, of course. After all Sherman was, if nothing else, a gentleman.
A ladyboy. Not only that; she was a fucking beautiful ladyboy! He fantasized about her every night after their chats online. Well €“ he fantasized about them both together, actually! It was his romantic (and often not so romantic) thoughts of them both together that got him through the days and nights of his increasingly frustrating life.
He hadn't really noticed it before but in the four months he had been writing to her and swapping pictures and stories, he had begun to distance himself from all the things he was doing each day. It was as if each day he was changing and resenting everything he did that stood between him and her and another life. A better life.
Yes, he had changed a lot. For one thing - he was now gay!
He'd been straight for forty-one years and now he wanted to suck a man's cock! He'd been married for fucks sake. He even had a daughter! But no matter how hard he tried (and, to be honest, he hadn't really tried that hard) Sherman could not get past the excitement of one day being with a ladyboy.
He had downloaded all the free pictures that he could find and all the free video clips. He had a small stash of DVDs in his bottom drawer hidden by some other DVDs of crap movies that had come free with the Sunday papers just incase his mum came round unexpectedly. He had had the most intense orgasms of his life wanking to those DVDs. His wife had NEVER made him feel that way. NO girl had made him feel that way, either real or imagined. And now he was talking to one. A real one. And a beautiful, real one, to boot.
It wasn't quite the same as being gay, though, and Sherman felt that he had to give this a lot more thought. It sucked because there was no one to talk to about it. There must have been other people who felt the same way as he did, but for the life of him he wasn't going to bare his soul to anyone and admit to anything. In fact, it was better kept a secret. Certainly no-one he knew would understand. His mum? That was a laugh! The people he worked with? Bloody hell, even if he so much as mentioned the word €˜ladyboy' he'd be ridiculed for life. They didn't forget anything, those bastards.
He had some money put by and he didn't have a wife anymore! Jennifer had long since flown the coop. It had all been friendly enough. One day, years ago, they had fought and she'd gone with his daughter and he hadn't tried to stop them.
And so it was that Sherman started to make some changes in his life...
Bangkok was hot at anytime of the year, but for some reason it just seemed hotter than usual today. It was July, but it needn't have mattered when it was, really. The bus made it to Ekkamai in one piece at about two in the afternoon and within a few minutes of arriving at the beaten up old bus terminal, Sherman had collected his dusty backpack and was sat on an absolutely freezing cold BTS Skytrain seat on his way to Ploenchit. The sweat on his clothes was now freezing against his skin, but he wasn't thinking to much about that. Sherman was grinning again. He couldn't wait to see the look on Apple's face when he walked into the bar where she worked and surprised her.
He had promised that he'd be back and she hadn't believed him. But here he was. And after a sleep and a shower he'd be over to Cascades bar to see her just as soon as they opened their doors!
He sat on the end of his hotel bed, flopped back against the aged and spongeless pillow and gazed at the ceiling fan whirring round above him...
The last time they had seen each other was about three weeks earlier at the same hotel. He hadn't had enough money on him to pay her and was about ten thousand Baht shy of the amount they had agreed on. It was a lot but he had kept her away from the bar for a few days so it seemed only fare to compensate her for her time away from her work to be with him.
And where had that time gone? It seemed to Sherman that they had barely left the hotel room for the entire week. It was only the flow of Gatorades from the 7/11 store and cheap rice snacks from the street vendors downstairs that had sustained his energy during that fantastic first week of ladyboy sex.
And what sex it was, too. Sherman remembered everything. The first dry kiss on the lips of the boy who looked like a girl who he had fallen in love with. The first time he touched her cock... the electricity he felt. And the sticky mess SHE felt when he exploded against her thigh as he couldn't contain himself! They both laughed about that.
And that was just the beginning of the most exciting week of forty-one year old Sherman's life. He very quickly fell deeply and desperately in love with Apple. She was all he could ever possibly have dreamed of in a lover. She was always up for it, sex wise. Always ready to please him. In forty-one years he'd never known a girl want to take care of him the way she had done. She loved him, too. It was obvious. Nobody, not even the legendary girls of Thailand, could be that good... that willing... that enthusiastic. She loved it when he fucked her. He could tell. She went crazy like no other girl he had screwed. She loved to suck him, too. She even told him that he had a great cock for sucking.
It was a dream come true for Sherman. He looked at Apple when she slept at night (or during the day) and touched her perfect olive skin. He wanted to stay there forever. To be cocooned with her in this room he had rented. Everyday was like a day in a movie that he was directing and acting in.
But that's the trouble with movies - they end. And so did this one... Apple had to be back at work and on their last day in the hotel room that overlooked the busy, congested Sukhumvit road they had cried and expressed their undying love for each other.
Then his ATM card hadn't worked.
Sherman didn't think that she actually believed him, but it was the truth. It worked now of course and it had worked just fine before €“ but at the one time he'd wanted to impress her the most, the Automatic Teller Machine spat his card back out at him and pretty much €˜telled' him to fuck off!
But Apple was much more gracious than that, as Sherman had known she would be. She was disappointed of course, because the money was going to go straight back to Chiang Mai for her family. They really needed it what with everything going on there at the moment. Apple spoke a lot about her family. Sherman had been quite envious of the way she had spoken about her father and her brothers. He'd been envious because his family life was something that he almost NEVER talked about. He certainly wouldn't be saying the same adoring things about his family as Apple was saying about hers.
But what was done was done and Apple had to go back to work and while she was working Sherman could get his money situation sorted out and go about the country and travel a bit. He'd like to have taken her with him, but it couldn't be done as the mamasan at the bar wouldn't allow it and anyway Apple had to go to Chiang Mai next week to take care of her mother who was really sick... and needed the money.
So the tears flowed that last afternoon and they kissed their last kiss at the door of his rented room and she eventually disappeared down the stairs and onto the noisy street with his enthusiastic promises following her till he could no longer hear her footsteps...
It was eight at night. Sherman had overslept a little bit. Fuck! He'd wanted to get there dead on seven o clock so she wouldn't have to dance a single dance. He showered and got dressed quickly and in no time was beating a path towards Nana Plaza and Cascades bar on the third floor.
It was dark by now, but the noisy, dirty main road was illuminated by the commuters driving home or crooked taxi drivers looking for victims. Out onto the uneven pavements Sherman marched briskly on and reached the pedestrian crossing which would take him across to Soi 4. God €“ it took for fucking EVER for those lights to change from red to green. Some people couldn't wait and they darted in between traffic to cross the road. Sherman wasn't taking any chances, though. His heart was racing with anticipation and he kept feeling for the special wad of notes that he was going to present to Apple when he saw her. Ten thousand Baht. That's what he had promised and that's what he'd deliver. The look on her face... he could picture it now... she'd be all over him and they would continue from where they had left off just a few weeks before...
Still fucking red... but what the hell. Sherman was, if nothing else, a patient man.
Sherman was ushered into the noisy and smoky ladyboy bar on the third floor of the Nana Entertainment Complex. It was fairly busy inside and as he was being led to a seat he looked around the scantily clad ladyboys who were dancing fighting the darkness to find Apple. Opposite him in another seating area he saw three very different looking Japanese men who had their own crowd of attentive dancers all jostling for position. Somewhere above them all was an old man who was having his privates felt up by an enthusiastic employee.
Sherman returned his eyes to the flashing stage in front of him. He couldn't see Apple, so he sat down and ordered a beer. Why were these places so damned dark? He could barely see anything in front of him.
The waitress asked him for a drink, but he ignored her and she pouted then left him alone.
Some of the girls were fighting to get his attention. He was trying to see behind them but the wall of ladyboys wouldn't let him. The deafening crush of dance music was making his ears hurt. He thought about moving someplace else away from the noise, but doubted if such a place existed. Then there she was...
As the noise of the music propelled the girls around the stage he caught sight of Apple, but she hadn't yet seen him. She was dancing for herself and wasn't even looking for a customer, it seemed. Sherman could barely contain his excitement now and was wearing a huge grin hoping that she would just turn around and recognize him. Her eye caught his and he opened his mouth as if to say €˜Hi!' but she'd already turned away. €˜Well,' thought Sherman, €˜I probably deserved that.' After all, he'd stiffed her the last time they met so maybe she thought that he was going to try the same thing again.
A few seconds later she was looking at him in a strange way. He was smiling at her and wishing she would just bloody well jump off the stage and run over to him, but she didn't. She just stared at him and carried on dancing... albeit in a more enthusiastic way, now.
Frustrated and confused Sherman raised his arm and waved her over. This time she acquiesced and jumped down from the stage and walked over to him. Punishment over! Time to rekindle this love (and lust) once again! She sat next to him but didn't say a word. This wasn't supposed to be how it would go. He'd rehearsed this scene in his mind a thousand times and he was sure it was going to go a lot better than this.
The money... that was it! Idiot! He reached into his back pocket; pulled out a wad of ten 1,000 Baht bills and discretely pushed it into her hand and folded her fingers around it. €˜I told you I would give you the money. There it is. Ten thousand Baht.' Sherman assured the now more engaging Apple. €˜You want to go with me now?' she asked. €˜Of course I do!' beamed the increasingly heartened Scotsman. €˜Come on... let's get out of here.' She stood up and told Sherman that she was going to get changed and that she'd be right back...
In the mean time the music had changed and a new set of girls were twisting and turning in the hopes of attracting one of the few drinkers the club had managed to usher in through their doors.
Sherman picked up his warm bottle of Thai beer and took a big mouthful. As he put it down he saw to his amazement that Apple had gone right back to the stage and had started dancing once again. But this time when she saw him she broke into a huge grin and screamed as loud as she could. Then she jumped off the stage and bounded over to jump on top of Sherman and rain kisses all over him as tears splashed around her face and onto his cheeks. Kind of odd, thought Sherman briefly but as he was now getting the attention he had wanted from the start he quickly forgot her earlier odd behavior and returned her kisses with kisses of his own and returned her tears also with tears of his own... This was more like it, he thought!
Then something REALLY odd happened...
Part SIX
Apple straddled Sherman with her back to the stage and the two re-united and enthusiastic lovers choked the breath out of each other. Out of the corner of his eye off to his right Sherman saw another ladyboy who started walking up the steps towards them. He noticed her getting closer and closer... pretty girl she was, too... she was fully dressed in jeans and a white T-shirt and looked a lot like Apple... in fact they could have been sisters... the resemblance was... oh fuck!
Apple turned her head around to see what was distracting her mans attention. It seemed her double was very excited and after a few words in Thai by the newcomer an uncomfortable silence fell between the girls and stopped Sherman from breathing. He could hear his own heartbeat bash away at his ribcage as they turned away from each other and both looked straight at him... You couldn't tell the fucking difference... How could he have known?
Apple was the first to laugh and her friend followed immediately and excitedly they both took turns and explained to a bemused (and now very relieved) Sherman how people mistook them for each other all the time and how they played tricks on people at night clubs and there was this one time when a Japanese man came in and... but they didn't share too many details of that encounter in English!
Apple kissed her man, told her she was going to get changed and the two girls danced down the steps together away from Sherman laughing and shrieking as loudly as they could.
About ten minutes later Apple came back fully clothed, without her friend and trotted up the steps. She squeezed in close beside the proud Scottish stud and nestled her beautiful face into his chest. She looked up at him smiling brightly.
€˜I knew you'd come back,' she told him. Sherman was as proud as he had ever been in his life... €˜and,' Apple continued, €˜my sister say thank you for the ten thousand Baht you give her. She send to her family tomorrow! Come... let's go your room!'
The End
She's not like the rest... by Stogie Bear
Firstly €“ I'm NOT a writer. I don't pretend to be and I won't accept criticism (good or bad) of this story. The tenses are mixed and the grammar isn't perfect. The idea is not all that original and the premise is from something I read a long time ago. But I have changed it to better represent my own experiences of the ladyboys and ladyboy lovers I have met over the last few years. I wrote it for members of the forum as a bit of light hearted entertainment.
She's not like the rest...
Part ONE
Sherman was on his way back to Bangkok now. The supposedly 'VIP luxury coach' trundled along the expressway taking him back to his loved one. He had a big cheesy grin on his face. His life was pretty much perfect now and every now and then he'd laugh out loud attracting the attention of a few Thai passengers who shifted in their seats disapprovingly, but this went unnoticed by Sherman.
Sherman was just under six feet and kind of thin, although he preferred the word 'slim.' His hair was a kind of unkempt rusty red and it didn't look too bad in Scotland where he'd spent a largely unfulfilling 40 odd years. Not that he was complaining, mind. His life hadn't been a disaster. But that was then and this was now. This time he was in love with a fantastic 'girl' who he had promised to come back and see just as soon as he had put paid to all those touristy things that he had promised to himself that he would do. And now he was on the way back to his girl. He'd promised he'd be back and Sherman was, if nothing else, a man of his word.
As the aging blue and white coach steamed it's way towards Thailand's capital city, the wiry Scotsman re-adjusted his long legs in an effort to wake them up a bit and kick start their circulation. These damn vehicles weren't built for people of his size. Come to think of it, comfort must have been the very last thing that the designers thought of when they assembled this pile of junk! But hey... none of that! Now he had no reason to complain, because if this heap of metal bits and pieces stayed functional just long enough to get him to the bus station at Ekkamai then he'd just as soon be standing on his head to get there!
Once again he was smiling. This time at the life he had left behind. The coldness, the grayness, the awful soul-melting routine of it all. And at the time it hadn't seemed so bad. Everyone else was doing it so it must have been normal to wake up at the crack of dawn and fight through the icy winds to the open air bus stop to travel half an hour to a job that he hated. And then when it was dark and the whole day had passed him by, have to fight his way home again. I mean, no-one liked their jobs, right? So THAT was normal. And it was always damn cold in Inverness, so that was normal, too. And traveling to work by bus was normal, because the Stagecoach Western was pretty packed every day! He couldn't really afford a car. He could barely come up with the rent!
But that was then and this was now!
Part TWO
Sherman had met Apple on the internet. They had swapped their stories and spare time on their Yahoo chat programs. Her classified personal on a gay site had hit him hard. She had seemed so lonely...
"Ladyboy in Bangkok. New to city. Seek a friend talking to. 21 and pretty lady wait for you. Sad to be alone."
Yes it WAS sad to be alone. He had known all about that. So that's how it started. He had emailed her and she had replied. That was unusual in itself! He hadn't expected her to actually reply to his letter of introduction. But she had. She had even sent some photos. He sent a picture of himself. Not a nude one, of course. After all Sherman was, if nothing else, a gentleman.
A ladyboy. Not only that; she was a fucking beautiful ladyboy! He fantasized about her every night after their chats online. Well €“ he fantasized about them both together, actually! It was his romantic (and often not so romantic) thoughts of them both together that got him through the days and nights of his increasingly frustrating life.
He hadn't really noticed it before but in the four months he had been writing to her and swapping pictures and stories, he had begun to distance himself from all the things he was doing each day. It was as if each day he was changing and resenting everything he did that stood between him and her and another life. A better life.
Yes, he had changed a lot. For one thing - he was now gay!
He'd been straight for forty-one years and now he wanted to suck a man's cock! He'd been married for fucks sake. He even had a daughter! But no matter how hard he tried (and, to be honest, he hadn't really tried that hard) Sherman could not get past the excitement of one day being with a ladyboy.
He had downloaded all the free pictures that he could find and all the free video clips. He had a small stash of DVDs in his bottom drawer hidden by some other DVDs of crap movies that had come free with the Sunday papers just incase his mum came round unexpectedly. He had had the most intense orgasms of his life wanking to those DVDs. His wife had NEVER made him feel that way. NO girl had made him feel that way, either real or imagined. And now he was talking to one. A real one. And a beautiful, real one, to boot.
It wasn't quite the same as being gay, though, and Sherman felt that he had to give this a lot more thought. It sucked because there was no one to talk to about it. There must have been other people who felt the same way as he did, but for the life of him he wasn't going to bare his soul to anyone and admit to anything. In fact, it was better kept a secret. Certainly no-one he knew would understand. His mum? That was a laugh! The people he worked with? Bloody hell, even if he so much as mentioned the word €˜ladyboy' he'd be ridiculed for life. They didn't forget anything, those bastards.
He had some money put by and he didn't have a wife anymore! Jennifer had long since flown the coop. It had all been friendly enough. One day, years ago, they had fought and she'd gone with his daughter and he hadn't tried to stop them.
And so it was that Sherman started to make some changes in his life...
Bangkok was hot at anytime of the year, but for some reason it just seemed hotter than usual today. It was July, but it needn't have mattered when it was, really. The bus made it to Ekkamai in one piece at about two in the afternoon and within a few minutes of arriving at the beaten up old bus terminal, Sherman had collected his dusty backpack and was sat on an absolutely freezing cold BTS Skytrain seat on his way to Ploenchit. The sweat on his clothes was now freezing against his skin, but he wasn't thinking to much about that. Sherman was grinning again. He couldn't wait to see the look on Apple's face when he walked into the bar where she worked and surprised her.
He had promised that he'd be back and she hadn't believed him. But here he was. And after a sleep and a shower he'd be over to Cascades bar to see her just as soon as they opened their doors!
He sat on the end of his hotel bed, flopped back against the aged and spongeless pillow and gazed at the ceiling fan whirring round above him...
The last time they had seen each other was about three weeks earlier at the same hotel. He hadn't had enough money on him to pay her and was about ten thousand Baht shy of the amount they had agreed on. It was a lot but he had kept her away from the bar for a few days so it seemed only fare to compensate her for her time away from her work to be with him.
And where had that time gone? It seemed to Sherman that they had barely left the hotel room for the entire week. It was only the flow of Gatorades from the 7/11 store and cheap rice snacks from the street vendors downstairs that had sustained his energy during that fantastic first week of ladyboy sex.
And what sex it was, too. Sherman remembered everything. The first dry kiss on the lips of the boy who looked like a girl who he had fallen in love with. The first time he touched her cock... the electricity he felt. And the sticky mess SHE felt when he exploded against her thigh as he couldn't contain himself! They both laughed about that.
And that was just the beginning of the most exciting week of forty-one year old Sherman's life. He very quickly fell deeply and desperately in love with Apple. She was all he could ever possibly have dreamed of in a lover. She was always up for it, sex wise. Always ready to please him. In forty-one years he'd never known a girl want to take care of him the way she had done. She loved him, too. It was obvious. Nobody, not even the legendary girls of Thailand, could be that good... that willing... that enthusiastic. She loved it when he fucked her. He could tell. She went crazy like no other girl he had screwed. She loved to suck him, too. She even told him that he had a great cock for sucking.
It was a dream come true for Sherman. He looked at Apple when she slept at night (or during the day) and touched her perfect olive skin. He wanted to stay there forever. To be cocooned with her in this room he had rented. Everyday was like a day in a movie that he was directing and acting in.
But that's the trouble with movies - they end. And so did this one... Apple had to be back at work and on their last day in the hotel room that overlooked the busy, congested Sukhumvit road they had cried and expressed their undying love for each other.
Then his ATM card hadn't worked.
Sherman didn't think that she actually believed him, but it was the truth. It worked now of course and it had worked just fine before €“ but at the one time he'd wanted to impress her the most, the Automatic Teller Machine spat his card back out at him and pretty much €˜telled' him to fuck off!
But Apple was much more gracious than that, as Sherman had known she would be. She was disappointed of course, because the money was going to go straight back to Chiang Mai for her family. They really needed it what with everything going on there at the moment. Apple spoke a lot about her family. Sherman had been quite envious of the way she had spoken about her father and her brothers. He'd been envious because his family life was something that he almost NEVER talked about. He certainly wouldn't be saying the same adoring things about his family as Apple was saying about hers.
But what was done was done and Apple had to go back to work and while she was working Sherman could get his money situation sorted out and go about the country and travel a bit. He'd like to have taken her with him, but it couldn't be done as the mamasan at the bar wouldn't allow it and anyway Apple had to go to Chiang Mai next week to take care of her mother who was really sick... and needed the money.
So the tears flowed that last afternoon and they kissed their last kiss at the door of his rented room and she eventually disappeared down the stairs and onto the noisy street with his enthusiastic promises following her till he could no longer hear her footsteps...
It was eight at night. Sherman had overslept a little bit. Fuck! He'd wanted to get there dead on seven o clock so she wouldn't have to dance a single dance. He showered and got dressed quickly and in no time was beating a path towards Nana Plaza and Cascades bar on the third floor.
It was dark by now, but the noisy, dirty main road was illuminated by the commuters driving home or crooked taxi drivers looking for victims. Out onto the uneven pavements Sherman marched briskly on and reached the pedestrian crossing which would take him across to Soi 4. God €“ it took for fucking EVER for those lights to change from red to green. Some people couldn't wait and they darted in between traffic to cross the road. Sherman wasn't taking any chances, though. His heart was racing with anticipation and he kept feeling for the special wad of notes that he was going to present to Apple when he saw her. Ten thousand Baht. That's what he had promised and that's what he'd deliver. The look on her face... he could picture it now... she'd be all over him and they would continue from where they had left off just a few weeks before...
Still fucking red... but what the hell. Sherman was, if nothing else, a patient man.
Sherman was ushered into the noisy and smoky ladyboy bar on the third floor of the Nana Entertainment Complex. It was fairly busy inside and as he was being led to a seat he looked around the scantily clad ladyboys who were dancing fighting the darkness to find Apple. Opposite him in another seating area he saw three very different looking Japanese men who had their own crowd of attentive dancers all jostling for position. Somewhere above them all was an old man who was having his privates felt up by an enthusiastic employee.
Sherman returned his eyes to the flashing stage in front of him. He couldn't see Apple, so he sat down and ordered a beer. Why were these places so damned dark? He could barely see anything in front of him.
The waitress asked him for a drink, but he ignored her and she pouted then left him alone.
Some of the girls were fighting to get his attention. He was trying to see behind them but the wall of ladyboys wouldn't let him. The deafening crush of dance music was making his ears hurt. He thought about moving someplace else away from the noise, but doubted if such a place existed. Then there she was...
As the noise of the music propelled the girls around the stage he caught sight of Apple, but she hadn't yet seen him. She was dancing for herself and wasn't even looking for a customer, it seemed. Sherman could barely contain his excitement now and was wearing a huge grin hoping that she would just turn around and recognize him. Her eye caught his and he opened his mouth as if to say €˜Hi!' but she'd already turned away. €˜Well,' thought Sherman, €˜I probably deserved that.' After all, he'd stiffed her the last time they met so maybe she thought that he was going to try the same thing again.
A few seconds later she was looking at him in a strange way. He was smiling at her and wishing she would just bloody well jump off the stage and run over to him, but she didn't. She just stared at him and carried on dancing... albeit in a more enthusiastic way, now.
Frustrated and confused Sherman raised his arm and waved her over. This time she acquiesced and jumped down from the stage and walked over to him. Punishment over! Time to rekindle this love (and lust) once again! She sat next to him but didn't say a word. This wasn't supposed to be how it would go. He'd rehearsed this scene in his mind a thousand times and he was sure it was going to go a lot better than this.
The money... that was it! Idiot! He reached into his back pocket; pulled out a wad of ten 1,000 Baht bills and discretely pushed it into her hand and folded her fingers around it. €˜I told you I would give you the money. There it is. Ten thousand Baht.' Sherman assured the now more engaging Apple. €˜You want to go with me now?' she asked. €˜Of course I do!' beamed the increasingly heartened Scotsman. €˜Come on... let's get out of here.' She stood up and told Sherman that she was going to get changed and that she'd be right back...
In the mean time the music had changed and a new set of girls were twisting and turning in the hopes of attracting one of the few drinkers the club had managed to usher in through their doors.
Sherman picked up his warm bottle of Thai beer and took a big mouthful. As he put it down he saw to his amazement that Apple had gone right back to the stage and had started dancing once again. But this time when she saw him she broke into a huge grin and screamed as loud as she could. Then she jumped off the stage and bounded over to jump on top of Sherman and rain kisses all over him as tears splashed around her face and onto his cheeks. Kind of odd, thought Sherman briefly but as he was now getting the attention he had wanted from the start he quickly forgot her earlier odd behavior and returned her kisses with kisses of his own and returned her tears also with tears of his own... This was more like it, he thought!
Then something REALLY odd happened...
Part SIX
Apple straddled Sherman with her back to the stage and the two re-united and enthusiastic lovers choked the breath out of each other. Out of the corner of his eye off to his right Sherman saw another ladyboy who started walking up the steps towards them. He noticed her getting closer and closer... pretty girl she was, too... she was fully dressed in jeans and a white T-shirt and looked a lot like Apple... in fact they could have been sisters... the resemblance was... oh fuck!
Apple turned her head around to see what was distracting her mans attention. It seemed her double was very excited and after a few words in Thai by the newcomer an uncomfortable silence fell between the girls and stopped Sherman from breathing. He could hear his own heartbeat bash away at his ribcage as they turned away from each other and both looked straight at him... You couldn't tell the fucking difference... How could he have known?
Apple was the first to laugh and her friend followed immediately and excitedly they both took turns and explained to a bemused (and now very relieved) Sherman how people mistook them for each other all the time and how they played tricks on people at night clubs and there was this one time when a Japanese man came in and... but they didn't share too many details of that encounter in English!
Apple kissed her man, told her she was going to get changed and the two girls danced down the steps together away from Sherman laughing and shrieking as loudly as they could.
About ten minutes later Apple came back fully clothed, without her friend and trotted up the steps. She squeezed in close beside the proud Scottish stud and nestled her beautiful face into his chest. She looked up at him smiling brightly.
€˜I knew you'd come back,' she told him. Sherman was as proud as he had ever been in his life... €˜and,' Apple continued, €˜my sister say thank you for the ten thousand Baht you give her. She send to her family tomorrow! Come... let's go your room!'
The End
She's not like the rest... by Stogie Bear
