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The Bubble Bursts

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  • The Bubble Bursts

    Beautiful Ae of Obsessions, and whom I've done 2 photo shoots of, had an implant collapse and had to get it extracted and replaced, by Dr Thep, who did it free, on an urgent basis.

    As I understand it, extraction is extremely painful because scar tissue adheres to the implant, and so when you pull it out, it's breaking the tissue off the implant as it's pulled out. She did it at 6pm, and I met her at Obsessions at 9pm. She wasn't working, but dropped in to say hi to me.

    Dr. Thep only uses local anaesthetic, if you don't know.

    I only point this out as 'shit happens' in the breast implant world, and, I continue to be amazed at these girls' pain thresholds. They are tough broads!

    None of us could likely handle an implant with local anaesthetic, forget about a removal and re-implant.

    [Separately but related, I've taken May to the dentist a few times - she selects to not 'freeze' the area when getting work done. Why I ask? 'No need' she says.]

  • #2
    Correction...I clarified, it didn't collapse, but rather, she had a very severe variant of "capsular contraction", i.e., a breast (one only) hardening until it was so painful she had to take it out.


    • #3
      Ziggy, sorry to hear that Ae had this problem with her implants! Did she have them done recently? I don't recall her having them in Dec, when we stopped by Obsessions.

      It truly amazes me how tough these lbs are! It has been speculated that female hormones increase pain tolerance so women can give birth without too much trauma, I wonder if this may have some effect for Thai lbs who have taken hormones from a young age?

      Something to ponder, but I doubt will ever be proven!

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      • #4
        A minor note, but Dr. Thep did emergency surgery and replaced one implant for free. So kudos to him on that.


        • #5
          Thais are tough, 2 years ago my girl friend had 18 vericouse veins removed useing a local, hell in the states they would have hospitalized her. We left the hospital she says Dr. says to walk so we did a bit of walking.

