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Crossing The River

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  • Crossing The River

    Sexual orientation exploration is like crossing the river.

    There are at least 4 rivers, the GG, LB, Femboy, and Male rivers. Sometimes there are more, and sometimes the rivers stream together.

    Newbies haven't crossed any rivers, but only look on in awe at what is on the other side. Sometimes the river looks very far for some, sometimes very close for others. Sometimes we cross and come back after a holiday. Sometimes we cross and never come back, and sometimes we criss-cross forever, or swim in the middle. There are some rivers we feel we can never cross.

    Sometimes crossing can be delightful, other times frightening. There are often beautiful, fun fish everywhere, and sometimes a few sharks that frighten us to never return, and other times, only make us wiser.

    Some rivers become trickles after a long time, like GG rivers, where swimming in them is simply no longer fun. Some rivers seem to get wider, where it seems there is no end in sight.

    When we cross, we often leave friends behind, but sometimes bring them with us. It is of course, more fun and safer to swim or be in the boat with others, but sometimes, others, like family, are too afraid of the water and anything in it, including us.

    It's always good to bring bait, and even better to bring protection, both physically, and mentally, as some fish are big enough to eat you, some so hungry they eat all your bait. For any good fisherman, the trick is knowing the right bait, the right hook, which fish to toss back, when the water is good, where the fishing is good, and when to call an end to the day because the water has become too rough.

  • #2


    • #3
      Isn´t that a song? "Many rivers to cross"?


      • #4
        (sangabriel @ Sep. 23 2007,00:24)
        Your got yer Mother in a whirl
        Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


        • #5
          It all makes sense to me.


          • #6
            (rick @ Sep. 23 2007,02:28) Isn´t that a song? "Many rivers to cross"?
            I think its the name of the book...
            So many Ladyboys so little time..


            • #7
              Mildly envious of Ziggy here, usually takes me 10-12 beers to get as "philosophic", he seems to come by it naturally
              Life is short. Live it well.


              • #8
                perhaps had indulged in 10 -12 beers

                I am rather concerned that on the strength of two mugs of tea I actually understand what he's on about.
                You, you and you hold fire - everyone else come with me - attributed to US Marine Recruiting Sargent WW2.

                You, you and you cum on me - everyone else hold fire - attributed to Porn Actor/Director Alexandra in 1992


                • #9
                  Well, I'm full of Jack Daniels and it's starting to look more and more plausible!

                  Thing is... it's a fishing analogy with no reference to 'tackle!'


                  • #10
                    The more you think about it, the more you will like this analogy.

                    It might be the right metaphor to describe the "Birds and Bees" to your kids.


                    • #11
                      I missed this first time around - but to me it sounds like a roadmap of LB loving life. By the way I have no idea if I am currently paddling, swimming or sinking let alone having actually crossed any rivers........

                      Nice one Ziggy.



                      • #12
                        Maybe it is about water sports.


                        • #13
                          how excellent the analogy is....

                          it took time for my toasted cerebrum to absorb it but yes it makes sense...and lots of it...

                          definitely it is in many ways similar to living life...we take a certain road whether people accompany us on that path or not we take it because that's how we choose to live...
                          My Facebook
                          PHILIPPINES: +639153569810


                          • #14
                            Sometimes I'm on the other side recently, swim to the middle, and wonder which way I should go next. In the middle, it's always a bit frightening. You know you can't stay there forever, at some point you have to decide, and swim.

                            I brought a buddy once who couldn't swim to the other side once. Now, after learning to swim, he goes from side to side.


                            • #15
                              This is some weird shit!!
                              seriously pig headed,arrogant,double standard smart ass poster!

