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  • #31
    It always staggered me as a happily lapsed catholic and ex student of the Christian Brothers that anyone could read history and the bible and think that the world has been better off because of religion. Genocide has, more often than not, been the result of fundamentalist beliefs, whether in South America in the 15th C or Serbia and Bosnia in the 20th. The genocides of Hitler and Stalin may have be atheistic in root cause, but they are the exception not the rule. Any Abrahamic root religion (Islam, Judaism and Christianity) can be tarred with the same brush: intolerant, haters of science and education, and more concerned with keeping thier flock believers than in their welfare.

    As the very happy great x5 grandson of an irish convict sent to Australia I can only see the opressiveness of the church. No condoms! Keep them poor and breeding, so that the church continues to get new blood, impoverished, ignorant, but oh so obedient. No abortion! Sure! let the inbred bastard of a child abusing father create misery for the mother and child for the rest of thier lives. Preach hatred and fear of non-believers! Sure.. and fear creates violence. How often does the (or did the) church act as the opiate of the opressive and brutish government du jour... Telling the poor and down trodden, not to worry, just die and all will be rewarded? PROVE IT! Send me a fucking postcard. "Having a wonderful time, wish you were here!"

    NO ladyboys! (he just went TOO FAR!)

    Yes I have met some great preists out bush. True believers. Anyone who has ever done back-stroke in a gutter loves the Salvation Army. Again true believers more interested in human welfare than converting the heathens.

    At the end of the day this man was a Nazi. He was part of an atheist, "man as god" machine that believed in the aryan super race.

    Not to be listened to by any thinking person.

    One last question for my Irish bretheren, especially thos who might have enjoyed an education at the hands of Edmund Rice and co....

    Was it just my experience or do all Christian Brothers have really bad breath? it was like they used turds for toothpaste.

    "Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."


    • #32
      At the end of the day if you read how JC conducted his life & how he sat, ate & drunk with anyone & everyone ,regardless of faith, colour or sexual preference, then you would know Jesus wouldnt care if you were straight or gay.This is just another fuck up on mans understanding of what is wrong & right !
      I'm saying this as a Christian, so dont shoot me down if your not, I dont care wot you believe in ,makes you no better or worse then Me
      Pope needs to retire & let a younger more modern thinking man take over, or watch his faith ( business) go to the wall

      Happy new year all

      Be lucky,have fun & stay young !


      • #33
        Hey Seamus,

        Your Christianity works for you and thats fine by me. I think Jesus was probably a good person to have a meal with and had some great philosphies not so far removed from the Buddha.

        I think you are 100% correct that men have corrupted and bastardized the abrahanic religions for thier own immoral purposes, which would make Jesus spin in his grave (or not, if you are a believer.)

        I believe in the buddhist philosophy and note I say philiosophy. Every time I see a thai or vietnamese looking for divine intervention from the enlightened one I ask my self "Why?" Again I suspect a good philiosophy corrupted.

        I suspect that JC was a man ahead of his time who taught love and forgiveness and was totally at peace within himself when he wined and dined Mary Magdelan, who was a hooker. he probably would have loved LOS. In other words he looked within people for soul, not to the angry, nasty, infanticidal, genocidal, pestiliential, jealous white bearded angry old bastard of the old testament who is supposedly his dad.

        The point is the pope is yet again teching a dogma of fear and loathing of those who are different. Same as what I wrote of before. Nothing bonds a tribe like a good seige mentality, and the catholic church are past masters of this.

        I look forward to an answer to my question on why CB's have bad breath by the way.....

        "Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."


        • #34
          (f0xxee @ Jan. 03 2009,17:35) I look forward to an answer to my question on why CB's have bad breath by the way.....
          Rimming young alter boys

          Good post Foxxee , in my experience most Christians I've met are horrible insincere people moralizing to others with their own little secrets kept hidden .

          I've met a few decent types who are genuine charitable types but they are in a minority .

          Its the whole concept of religion that is flawed , not the people who believe .

          As Marx rightly said - it is the opium of the people .
          Free your mind and your ass will follow .


          • #35
            (f0xxee @ Jan. 03 2009,09:35) I look forward to an answer to my question on why CB's have bad breath by the way.....
            Too much meat & wine, in other words too much rich food.Why My mother & father lived off Spuds & anything My grandfathers could catch, those feckers ate like lords & My grandmother still put money in the plate ever sunday " Nan for fuck sake, we were as poor as the fucking Africans"
            Glad I got that off My chest
            Be lucky,have fun & stay young !


            • #36
              Did you ever wonder how much went to the "poor heathen souls"? I did... another reason I can't stand the hypocritiacal cunts

              "Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."


              • #37
                (seamus @ Jan. 04 2009,07:14) Too much meat & wine, in other words too much rich food.Why My mother & father lived off Spuds & anything My grandfathers could catch, those feckers ate like lords & My grandmother still put money in the plate ever sunday " Nan for fuck sake, we were as poor as the fucking Africans"
                A religion based on fear, perhaps?

                If you dont give, you go to hell. Period
                seriously pig headed,arrogant,double standard smart ass poster!


                • #38
                  (seamus @ Jan. 04 2009,13:14) My mother & father lived off Spuds & anything My grandfathers could catch, those feckers ate like lords & My grandmother still put money in the plate ever sunday " Nan for fuck sake, we were as poor as the fucking Africans"
                  Spuds ! You were lucky , all we got was a bowl of steam between 47 of us
                  Free your mind and your ass will follow .


                  • #39
                    I bet you uesd to live in shoe box in middle of road
                    Be lucky,have fun & stay young !


                    • #40
                      Shoe box.. Sheer luxury, back in my day we had to make do with ...... Life of Brian was very funny. Somehow Catholic church didn't like it!


                      • #41
                        (f0xxee @ Jan. 03 2009,17:35) Hey Seamus,

                        Your Christianity works for you and thats fine by me. I think Jesus was probably a good person to have a meal with and had some great philosphies not so far removed from the Buddha.

                        I think you are 100% correct that men have corrupted and bastardized the abrahanic religions for thier own immoral purposes, which would make Jesus spin in his grave (or not, if you are a believer.)

                        I believe in the buddhist philosophy and note I say philiosophy. Every time I see a thai or vietnamese looking for divine intervention from the enlightened one I ask my self "Why?" Again I suspect a good philiosophy corrupted.

                        I suspect that JC was a man ahead of his time who taught love and forgiveness and was totally at peace within himself when he wined and dined Mary Magdelan, who was a hooker. he probably would have loved LOS. In other words he looked within people for soul, not to the angry, nasty, infanticidal, genocidal, pestiliential, jealous white bearded angry old bastard of the old testament who is supposedly his dad.

                        The point is the pope is yet again teching a dogma of fear and loathing of those who are different. Same as what I wrote of before. Nothing bonds a tribe like a good seige mentality, and the catholic church are past masters of this.

                        I look forward to an answer to my question on why CB's have bad breath by the way.....
                        Re: the CB bad breath - I don't remember it being exclusively their problem - but they did ALL have it - it my well be the result of fasting - they were, after all, dead keen on mortifying the bod. ( and overindulgence in alcohol, boys, etc.)
                        This result of fasting is referred to as "the odour of sanctity" - and it really stinks.
                        Added to which was the habit of getting really close and breathing on you whilst you were to terrified to do other than continue breathing in the "odour of sanctity". Really fucked up people, why they are held in such respect baffles me.

                        I could rant about nuns too, if you like....
                        The Ancient Greeks had it right - women for breeding, boys for pleasure.
                        We're just coming back to the same place.


                        • #42
                          I am a unbeliever.. pagan or I am not into any curch.... so it don´t interest me what this fucking guy talk, pope or not.... the catholic curch was more criminal as the Mafia... sorry that the true.


                          P.S.:Stogie... your avatar is in Germany illegal and actionable... not only about the taste...
                          Ladyboy Pro....A Bigger Bang


                          • #43
                            Who gives a shit whats legal or ilegal in Germany. here in the Us we have free speach


                            • #44
                              (Beto @ May 11 2009,04:06) Who gives a shit whats legal or ilegal in Germany. here in the Us we have free speach
                              Err....... it was the 'Allies' - the USA. UK. France et al. that made the German government ban displaying the Nazi swastika after the war.

                              And for information the swastika is a very old religeous symbol - Swastika

                              Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.

                              "I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning."


                              • #45
                                (Dieter @ Apr. 21 2009,02:26) P.S.:Stogie...  your avatar is in Germany illegal and actionable... not only about the taste...  
                                I think even Stogie himself is illegal and actionable in Germany.

                                We miss Kahuna's old avatar!

                                and i miss my old tshirt from the 80s, thanks to a laundry shop in pattaya ( no , not Kahuna's new avatar).
                                Attached Files
                                My own belief is that there is hardly anyone whose sexual life, if it were broadcast, would not fill the world at large with surprise and horror.  ~W. Somerset Maugham

